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Academic Writing Services

The thesis or dissertation you’ve spent months, if not years, working on. An article for an esteemed academic journal. The grant proposal that could open up a new opportunity for research and professional development. You want your writing to reflect credibility and merit. Don’t leave the first impression of your work to chance. Little Leaf Copy Editing’s writing services will give your writing an academic edge, the type of edge that will make the grade.

Thesis/Dissertation Proofread and Stylistic Edit


This level of editing involves clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, and polishing language. I will correct grammar and syntax errors and will fine-tune the language to convey a congruent message. This product bundle includes a Documentation Review for no additional charge. I will cross-check every source reference against the list in your bibliography to ensure that every citation has a corresponding reference entry and vice versa. I will also review your in-text citations and your reference entries to ensure that all follow the correct formatting according to current MLA or APA requirements.


Starting at $300.00 for theses/dissertations up to 12,500 words.

Get an estimate of costs by clicking below.

Journal Article Proofread and Stylistic Edit


This level of editing involves clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, and polishing language. I will correct grammar and syntax errors and will fine-tune the language to convey a congruent message.


Prior to having me edit your article, you may request that I complete a Content Critique for you. I will assess your writing on its clarity and structure and offer tips on improving cohesion, flow, tone, and purpose.


Starting at $60.00 for articles up to 2,500 words. Additional charges for Content Critique.

Get an estimate of costs by clicking below.

Grant Proposal Proofread and Stylistic Edit


This level of editing involves clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, and polishing language. I will correct grammar and syntax errors and will fine-tune the language to convey a congruent message.


Prior to having me edit your proposal, you may request that I complete a Content Critique for you. I will assess your writing on its clarity and structure and will offer tips on improving cohesion, flow, tone, and purpose.


You may also request that I complete a Documentation Review for you. I will review the submission requirements to ensure your in-text citations, reference entries, and documents follow the correct formatting according to the grant agency’s specifications.


Starting at $60.00 for proposals up to 2,500 words. Additional charges for Content Critique and Documentation Review.

Get an estimate of costs by clicking below.

Katie ensured that grant proposals were succinct, conveyed a clear message, were free of grammar and syntax errors, and adhered to strict formatting requirements. Her work is worth the investment.

Dr. Nancy F.

Professor and Program Director

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